Witsuwit'en Grammar

Haida Dictionary

Musqueam Reference Grammar

Haida Syntax

Plants and Medicines of Sophie Thomas

Transcending Monolingualism: Linguistic Revitalisation in Education
Edited by Leena Huss, Antoinette Camilleri Grima and Kendall A. King. 2003. Lisse: Swets and Zeitlinger. ISBN 90-265-1032-X.
A collection of papers on revitalisation of minority languages, with a focus on linguistic minorities in Europe. More information.

Nak'azdli Elders Speak. Nak'azdli t'enne yahulduk.
Edited by Lillian Sam. 2001. Penticton: Theytus Books. ISBN 0-919441-95-5.
Oral history recorded by Nak'azdli (Fort Saint James) elders. In English translation.

Yak'usda Bughunek: K'andit Khunek Neba Lhaidinla.
Carrier Bible Translation Committee. 2002. 790 pp.
The New Testament, in Ulkatcho dialect.
Order from: Carrier Bible Translation Committee, RR#3, Kinglet Road, C.19, Williams Lake, BC V2G 1M3 Canada.

Interior Tlingit Noun Dictionary: The Dialects Spoken by Tlingit Elders of Carcross and Teslin, Yukon, and Atlin, British Columbia
Whitehorse: Yukon Native Language Centre. ISBN 1-55242-227-5. $50.00
An extensive new dictionary of Interior Tlingit containing sections organized by topic, Tlingit word, and English word.

How to Keep Your Language Alive: A Commonsense Approach to One-on-One Language Learning.
Leanne Hinton, with Matt Vera and Nancy Steele and the Advocates for Indigenous California Language Survival. Berkeley, California: Heyday Books. pp. xvii + 123. ISBN 1-890771-42-2. US$15.95.
A guide for people trying to learn their native language one-on-one from a speaker. Based on the experience of people who have participated in Master-Apprentice programs in California.

Indigenous Langauges Across the Community.
Edited by Barbara Burnaby and Jon Reyhner. Contains papers from the Seventh Annual Stabilizing Indigenous Languages Conference held in May 2000 in Toronto.
Downloadable in PDF form from A paper version is to be published soon.

Navajo Multimedia Children's Books.
Downloadable from Diné College website.
Over two dozen multimedia children's books in Navajo, created by teacher trainees, have been published. Versions are available for both Windows and MacIntosh sytems.

The Warmth of Love: the Four Seasons of Sophie Thomas.
Terry Jacks. The Sophie Thomas Foundation, 2000. VHS video, 33:33 minutes. C$20.
Describes the use of traditional herbal medicine by Saik'uz elder Sophie Thomas. See the description in the North Shore News. Call 1-800-667-7718 to purchase.

Cis dideen kat (When the Plumes Rise): The Way of the Lake Babine Nation
Jo-Anne Fiske and Betty Patrick. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, 2000. C$29.95 in soft covers.
A description of the potlatch system, the traditional legal system of the Lake Babine Nation. Jo-Anne Fiske is an anthropologist. Betty Patrick is Chief of the Lake Babine Nation.

The Green Book of Language Revitalization in Practice.
Leanne Hinton and Ken Hale (eds.) San Francisco: Academic Press. 2001. ISBN 0123493536 (hardcover). ISBN 0123493544 (softcover).
A very important collection of papers on all aspects of language maintenance and revitalization around the world. Topics covered include: immersion programs, language teaching methods, master-apprentice programs, and resuscitation of extinct languages using linguistic documentation. The hardcover version is very expensive (US$99.95); a cheaper (US$49.95) softcover version is to be published in November.

Can threatened languages be saved?
Joshua A. Fishman (ed.). Toronto: Multilingual Matters. 2001. ISBN 1-85359-493-8 (paperback). ISBN 1-85359-492-X (hardcover).
A collection of 19 papers on reversing language shift dealing with languages around the world.

The Phonology and Morphology of the Tanacross Athabaskan Language
Gary Holton. Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of California at Santa Barbara. August 2000.
Available in PDF format over the internet.

Finding Our Talk
Mushkeg Media, Inc. 103 Villeneauve, West Montreal, Québec, HZT 1R6. 514-279-3507 (contact: Sylvie Condo).
Mushkeg Media, a native-owned production company, has been broadcasting a 13 part series on the aboriginal languages in Canada. Videotapes are available for purchase. They are also planning a second series and are looking for interesting language revitalization efforts.

Koyukon Athapaskan Dictionary
By Jules Jetté and Eliza Jones. 2000. Fairbanks, Alaska: Alaska Native Language Center.
One of the most comprehensive dictionaries yet published for any native language. The basis for this dictionary is the mass of linguistic and ethnographic material compiled by Father Jetté between 1898 and 1927. This material has been edited and added to by a number of linguists, including Eliza Jones, a fluent native speaker of the language. The dictionary includes hundreds of cultural notes by Jetté and Jones, many of them accompanied by Father Jetté's sketches.

Vanishing Voices: The Extinction of the World's Languages.
Daniel Nettle and Suzanne Romaine. 2000. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
A discussion of the rapid loss of languages throughout the world, with particular attention to the causes of language death and the relationship between linguistic diversity and biological diversity. An important chapter is devoted to why we should care about the loss of linguistic diversity.

Linguistic Genocide in Education or Worldwide Diversity and Human Rights?
By Tove Skutnabb-Kangas. 2000. Mahwah, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. ISBN 0-8058-3468-0.
A massive (nearly 800 pages) volume of considerable importance for people concerned with endangered languages.

The Thirty-Fifth International Conference on Salish and Neighbouring Languages
Edited by Suzanne Gessner and Sunyoung Oh. University of British Columbia Working Papers in Linguistics Volume 3. 2000. Contains the preprints for the conference held August 16-18 at Mount Currie. Available for $25.00 plus shipping from:

UBCWPL Editors
Department of Linguistics
Buchanan E-270, 1866 Main Mall
University of British Columbia
Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z1

Dene Gudeji: Kaska Narratives
Edited by Pat Moore. Watson Lake: Kaska Tribal Council. 1999. A collection of twenty-seven texts, mostly traditional stories, from 19 different narrators, with both interlinear and free translation. Order from: Marie Skidmore, Kaska Tribal Council, Box 2806, Watson Lake, Yukon Y0A 1C0, Canada. $45. Add $15 for shipping to US.

The Languages of Native North America
By Marianne Mithun. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 770 pp. 1999. The first part of the book,"The Nature of the Languages", discusses, in general terms, the principal characteristics of the native languages of North America. The second part, "Catalogue of Languages", provides profiles of every family and isolate, including pidgins, creoles, and mixed languages. Published by Cambridge University Press. US$74.95.

Tribal College Journal
The current (Spring) issue of Tribal College Journal is devoted to the efforts of tribal colleges in the United States to revitalize native languages. It will be available on March 1st, 2000. For more information, email the editor Marjane Ambler.

Practicing Anthropology
The Spring 1999 issue (vol. 21, no. 2) is devoted largely to a series of ten articles under the heading Reversing Language Shift in Indigenous America: Collaborations and Views From the Field. For more information contact the office of the publisher, the Society for Applied Anthropology:

Society for Applied Anthropology Business Office
P. O. Box 24083
Oklahoma City, OK 73124-0083 USA


Yinka Déné Language Institute © 2007