Dakelh Placenames

Every lake, river, mountain, or other place of significance in Carrier territory has a traditional name. Here are the names of major sites.

EnglishCarrierLiteral Meaning
Aleza LakeTatsibunwaves lake
Anahim PeakBes But'aobsidian peak
BednestiBetnesdaihe glutted himself on char
Bella Coola River'Utnakohriver of non-Athabascan Indians
Binta LakeBet Ndatskinny char
Blackwater RiverTanilhtl'uzmuddy water
Blanket LakeNalhtiblanket
Burns LakeTselhk'azbunk'uthone lake
Cheslatta LakeTsetl'adak Bunk'utPeak Rock Lake
Chilako RiverTsalakohbeaver paw river
Chinese RapidsDzulh K'undut'azmountain cut in two
Cluculz LakeLhohk'uzwhitefish place
Connaught Hill'Us'aicholarge it-is-located
Cranbrook HillKhasdzoon Yusk'utDwarf Maple Ridge
Fort George CanyonTse Dulk'unred rock
Fraser LakeNadlehbun(fish) run lake
Fraser MountainK'atsizyussmashed arrows mountain
Fraser RiverLhtakohrivers within one another
Giscome PortageLhdestishortcut
Hospital CreekDuyunkohshaman creek
Hudson Bay SloughNiduluk(driftwood) accumulates
Knapp LakeBelhk'a Bunk'utfertile lake
KluskusLhoosk'uzRocky Mountain whitefish place
Mount MilliganShus Nadlohwooded hill where fish run
Mount PopeNak'almountain with a depression on top
Mount WellsNahoolt'e'?
Nation LakeTootibungreat water lake
Nation RiverTootikohgreat water river
NautleyNadleh(fish) run
Nechako RiverNechakohBlackwater people's river
NecoslieNak'azdliStuart Lake outlet
Nulki LakeNoolhk'aiisland skewer
Ootsa Lake'Oosa Bunk'utbucket lake
PinchieBinchemid-lake river mouth
Pinchie LakeTesghabun?
PortageYekoochemouth of Yekoh
Prince GeorgeLheidliconfluence
Punchaw LakeBuncholarge lake
Purden Lake'AghelhtootCarrier Lake [loan from Sekani]
Sinkut MountainTsink'utochre mountain
Six-Mile LakeLhewhyunwhitefish place
South Fort GeorgeTs'untsilaat the end of the fir trees
SowcheaTsaoochebeaver creek mouth
Stony Creek (between Nulki and Tachick Lakes)Saik'uzkohSaik'uz Creek
Stony Creek (from Tachick Lake to the Nechako)Khelhkohpack creek
Stony Creek VillageSaik'uzsand place
Stuart LakeNak'albunMount Pope lake
Stuart RiverNak'alkohMount Pope river
Tachick LakeTachekriver mouth
TachieTacheriver mouth
Tachie RiverDuzdlikohdriftwood river
Takla LakeKhelhghubunload after lake
Tezzeron LakeChuzghunsnowflake lake
Trembleur LakeDzinghubunday after lake
Tweedsmuir PeakNa'esdindaiit is way over there
White Eye LakeK'uninguz(wind) drags back and forth
Whitefish LakeBilhk'afertile
Willow River CanyonBedinli K'elh'azafter Bedinli